Oct 26, 2023

SaaS Sprawl: What It Is and How To Manage It

SaaS Sprawl: What It Is and How To Manage It

Amid the digital whirlwind, many businesses find themselves toggling between a multitude of software solutions. Enter the world of Software as a Service (SaaS) - a promised land of efficiency, customization, and convenience. But as with most tales of wonder, there’s a twist. Welcome to the era of SaaS Sprawl.

What is SaaS Sprawl?

SaaS sprawl isn't some tech boogeyman; it's a simple term for when there are just too many applications spreading across a company. Think of it as your digital workspace getting cluttered. Sometimes these apps are known and approved; other times, they’re the secret weapons employees use without official permission (ahem, shadow IT).

Now, let’s clear something up. SaaS sprawl isn’t the villain here. At its heart, it represents what SaaS promises: equipping teams with tools to shine. The challenge? Managing this sprawl so it doesn’t spiral out of hand.

Roots of the Sprawl

A common myth is that SaaS sprawl results from tech-hungry employees or an IT team gone rogue. The reality? It's often a sign of a fragmented SaaS management strategy. In many organizations, the majority of apps aren't managed by IT, leading to a Wild West of software purchasing.

Picture this: every month, on average, six new applications waltz into an organization. Keeping tabs on this influx can be daunting, especially without the right tools.

Why the Fuss About SaaS Sprawl?

You might think, “So what if we have a few extra apps?” Here's the scoop: unchecked SaaS sprawl can lead to:

  1. Cloudy Visibility: A scattered software landscape means decisions are often made without a clear view of the entire SaaS ecosystem.
  2. Overspending: Businesses might unknowingly spend two to three times more on redundant or unused applications.
  3. Complexity: Imagine finding out your company juggles 600 different tools. Sounds overwhelming, right?
  4. Risk: With unknown apps come potential security threats and compliance nightmares.

Mastering the Sprawl in 4 Steps

Fear not! Reigning in SaaS sprawl isn’t an insurmountable task. Here’s a roadmap to clarity:

  1. Achieve Visibility: Know thy tools. Whether you go old-school with spreadsheets or leverage a SaaS Management Platform (SMP), the goal is to see every application your organization uses. With platforms like Hapstack, this becomes a realistic target.
  2. Minimize Redundancies: If your team uses multiple tools with overlapping functions, it's time for a clean-up. Decide on the best ones and streamline.
  3. Watch Your Wallet: Keep a sharp eye on expenses. Using an SMP can illuminate potential savings.
  4. Trim and Tighten: Now comes the fun part! With clear visibility and set goals, begin the pruning process. Eliminate redundant tools, focus on employee favorites, and create a sleek, efficient SaaS ecosystem.

The SaaS Saga Continues...

In our digital age, the realm of SaaS is ever-evolving. Embracing the benefits while mastering the sprawl will ensure your organization remains agile, efficient, and ahead of the curve. Remember, it’s not about shunning the tools but mastering their dance. Happy optimizing!